Tangiwai Disaster

For this task we had to make a poster about the Tangiwai disaster . We had to write facts and interesting stuff about  the Tangiwai disaster . The Tangiwai disaster  took place on the 24th December 1953 . That’s the exact same year that Queen Elizabeth the 2nd and the Duke of Edinburgh came for their first royal visit . The disaster killed 151 people and only 1 person survived and 20 bodies weren’t   found . But the Tangiwai disaster was a shock for all . 

Book Week door

For our book door we did the book Giraffes can’t dance . For the door we painted the door black , then we twisted some really thin paper to make tree branches then we painted the branches brown  , And stuck all the leaves that our whole class did  .  Then some people made lions , some people made hippos , some people made monkeys , some people made  crocodiles and some people made zebras . We also made a jungle dance sign and a tall giraffe and a cricket  .  At first a teacher opened our door and broke it then when everything was perfect a  student broke the door and her friend said it was not her fault . And I got really mad \

Mt Erebus fact file

  For this task we had to research about the Mt Erebus plane crash  . We had to lay it out like how it happened , why it happened , and what had happened  , some quick facts and pictures .  It killed 20 crew members and 237 passengers , and 114 bodies were found .

Mt Ruapaeha timeline

For this task we looked at the Mt Ruapaeha plane crash . We look at how they crashed and how long it took to find the plane . Our timeline had to consist of  the date or the  day for example 23rd October 1948 or Day 2  .  We also had to research everything that happened from the day it crashed to the day it was found .

Segregation Summary

For this piece of work we had to summarise all the segregation work we did for the term .  We learnt about all different types of segregation and people that tried to solve and cause it . For example  we learnt about Martin Luther King Jr , Dame Whina Cooper , Nelson Mandela , Aldof  Hitler . And that’s what we did for this term in reading .

Facebook for Bruno

We had to create a Facebook

page for Bruno . We had to create the page because  Bruno dies in the book and movie so we had to create a hypothetical Facebook page for Bruno . This was a really fun task cause it got to challenge your brain a little .